Grand Champion at the Estevanens Show in Switzerland last fall was Londaly Armani Lovely-Red EX-94. Earlier in her career Lovely had been Intermediate Champion at the Swiss Expo 2017 and 1st in her class in Bulle 2018. T...
MoreThere have been a number of recognized “Golden Crosses” in the breeding world…in this cow family it was Monterey over Cookiecutter Mogul Hanker and then King Doc over the Monterey’s. Now a third wave of great all-round,...
MoreNo sexed semen, strictly no flushing, yearlings in the barn by F16 Rocket (a sire born in 1983) and a closed herd for nearly 20 years… what gems could possibly be found in Ireland’s Drumcliffe herd? Here we discover the...
MoreIn February 2023, HI presented 22 EX daughters of the Roxy descendant Gloryland-I Goldwyn Locket EX-94. Remarkable: an unmentioned VG-85 Doorman out of Locket has likely provided the most valuable Locket descendant at th...
MoreIn HI’s March edition, Pine-Tree-I Pursuit (from Semex) came into view as one of the most faultless sires in the Holstein breed – also at a high index level. Reason for HI to delve into Pursuit’s pedigree and to highligh...
MoreIn a world-first, the April genetic evaluations in Canada include the new trait of Methane Efficiency. It is expected that this new genetic selection tool should enable dairy producers to achieve a 20-30% reduction in me...
MoreGlobally, the breeding of polled Holsteins is coming to greater maturity. The supply of attractive P and PP sires is steadily increasing with more variety. The same is true for the presence of remarkable female polled Ho...
MoreHolsteins have become the universal dairy cow and dominate in most major dairy countries. However, it may not be a “one size fits all” situation. The interaction of genetics with environment has long been observed. Certa...
MoreBeef-on-dairy is absolutely not a new phenomenon at the British AI company Cogent. ‘We launched our beef-on-dairy program in 2009 in order to ensure that we could make the right selections for our dairy farmers. Beef-on-...
MoreAt the Dutch AI company KI Samen, they are clear about the future prospects for beef-on-dairy: ‘The average age of milking cows needs to increase, and therefore herd turnover rates will drop resulting in more and more ro...
MoreHI has already reported various times about the Belgian Blue Group (BBG) and that is not surprising: the organization has a large offering of >200 sires and is active in >55 countries. Simon Noppen from BBG talks about t...
MoreWell known: Angus and Belgian-Blue are among the big names in the beef-on-dairy business. But those looking for an interesting and proven alternative will find a good candidate in the Italian Piedmontese breed. It IS Not...
MoreIreland has an index (DBI) that is especially developed for beef-on-dairy. ‘It’s a truly valuable instrument for both distributors and farmers to distinguish the best sires for beef-on-dairy,’ explains Stephen Dowling, t...
MoreWith over eight million doses of semen sold, of which three million went to the international market, the German-French breeding program of Synetics counts as one of the biggest players worldwide. The company, which was...
MoreTalk about an experienced giant in the beef-on-dairy market: in 2022, WWS (the international arm of Select Sires and Accelerated Genetics) sold more than 3.8 million doses of beef semen: two-thirds for beef-on-dairy. ‘Du...