
November 2017
Masato – Fat, Conformation and Fitness at the Highest Level

Whoever has followed Holstein history over the last 40 years knows that the requirements of modern sires changes with time. Certain traits become more important relative to older traits, or less important relative to new...

November 2017
Hammig Isy - This French Nr.1 has been Popular for Years

Since his debut in the French DNA top-3 – in April 2014 – Hammig Isy has been among the most used bulls at the French breeding company Evolution. Hammig has made good on his tremendous popularity. Stronger yet, since the...

November 2017
Bomaz: Successful with Consistent Breeding for Production and Fitness

The highest DNA bull with an AI code (Bomaz Skywalker, 2961 gTPI) and 14 female Holsteins in the top-200 for Net Merit; the Bomaz prefix is very strongly woven with current elite breeding in the US. HI travelled to Hammo...

November 2017
California’s “Supermarket for Genetics”: RuAnn & Maddox Dairy: 1,400 Home-Bred Excellent Cows!

The San Joaquin Valley in California is 300 miles long and 100 miles wide and is one of the most productive agricultural regions in the world. A combination of rich soils, irrigation water from the mountains, and a warm,...

November 2017
Hanalee’s Passion for Pedigrees Brings Expansion with a Difference!

A passion for deep pedigrees and good cows has driven the Hazeleger family to create an interesting operational strategy. A number of the world’s finest pedigrees can be found in their Hanalee herd – find out more here!

November 2017
Eilmans - The Little-known Home of one of the Strongest Herds in Germany

No, Clemens Eilmans is not a star of the scene. He is not a celebrated exhibitor at shows, not a successful seller at one of the many top-auctions and not a breeder of the best genomic animals. However, Eilmans should be...

October 2017
Saber Pansy Family Dominates at Selz-Pralle Dairy

The well-managed 425-cow operation at Selz-Pralle Dairy in Wisconsin achieves extreme production from high-type cows with well-attached udders that are built to last. A branch of the Saber Pansy family has developed into...

August 2017
A Surprising Update On Dabble: This Prominent Family Keeps Providing Alternative Bloodlines

Widely regarded as one of the best Outside daughters, Ronelee Outside Dabble EX-91 had 17 sons go to AI in North America with the two most heavily used being Ronelee Domain, by Toystory, and Ronelee Durable RC, by Septem...

October 2017
Camomile: The Conformation Queen

During the height of her show career Silvermaple Damion Camomile commanded a 6-figure price tag at public auction. Was she worth the investment? Find out here!

October 2017
Successful for shows and index: BTS-Swann – the uncommon French Splendor

Do you like stories about very special cows? The ones that have something different than their paternal sisters? If you do, you should enjoy the BTS-Swann story! This French cow comes from the deep Splendor family and sh...

October 2017
Cow Country II - October 2017

She is the first cow in Quebec’s history to complete 3 generations of 94/95 dams and is regarded as the best cow the Master Breeder Vieuxsaule herd has bred… What an introduction for Vieuxsaule Seaver Calina EX-94 (95 ud...

October 2017
Battlecry Impresses with his All-Round Sons Worldwide

This will be the 4th time HI has focused on 3-year-old Battlecry, the last time was in March earlier this year when he was featured in “BullTalk”. In that article, the final sentence about Battlecry stated: ‘Battlecry’s...

October 2017
Intriguing Sires DP = Jameson & Addiction & Midnight

Jameson ranks at Nr.4 on the list in Germany, and is one of 7 in the top-10 that are out of Balisto dams. His mother Veenhuizer K&L Nelize is owned by Jannes Uineken and Gen-Hotel, the breeders of the bull, and is from t...

October 2017
Silver Pleases with Strong Daughter-Proven Debut

The wait is finally over! Seagull-Bay Silver, the former gTPI headliner, has made his greatly anticipated daughter-proven debut. How did he fare? Find out here!

October 2017
BullTalk - October 2017

He remains in the news, Garioni VanHalen, and there are many reasons. His career began in April 2016 when he immediately captured third place in Italy with 3691 gPFT. And while the company around him continually changes,...
