A Business Subscription to Holstein International

A Business Subscription is a special service for companies. Staff members and/or relations of these companies will receive their personal copy at their home address, while the invoice will be sent to the company headquarters. And... when a Business Subscription includes 5 or more copies; the company qualifies for attractive discounts!

This has been initiated since an increasing number of companies find it most important that all of their staff and company members are well informed about the newest developments in the rapidly internationalizing Holstein industry. And thus are able to inform their customers as well!

How does a Business Subscription work?  

  • You send us names and addresses of the persons that you would like to include in the Business Subscription.
  • We will make sure that they receive their first issue of HI.
  • We will inform you as soon as possible about the discount you will receive for your Business Subscription. Once a year we will invoice your company for the total group of subscribers.
  • You can add (or cancel) subscribers at any time during the subscription period. Costs of these (partial) subscriptions will be settled with the invoice on next year’s bill.

Companies that wish to start a Business Subscription qualify for a special rate with 5 or more subscribers. View our various subscriptions here.

If you have any questions about this service, or if you would like to talk about a special arrangement for your company, please don’t hesitate to call us. Our phone number is: +31 58 2574345 or email us:  i.boersma@holsteininternational.com



Holstein International
Tel: 0031-58-257 43 45
Fax: 0031-58-257 41 00

Express deliveries
Juckemaleane 10
9051 MT Stiens

Postal address
P.O. Box 80
9050 AB Stiens

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